Safer Way To Recover Damaged Partitions
Repairing damaged partitions on is a risky business. Even if you use the best toolkit and are absolutely sure in what you are doing, you are still risking your files shall something go wrong. Changes m
ade to the damaged partition are irreversible; it is just too easy to overwrite an important system structure that holds vital information about your disk, files and data. Bottom line: it's good to backup before performing data recovery. But is this really the best way to do it?
There is a different approach to do data recovery that is even safer. No need to backup and restore during the recovery. Instead of making a backup copy of corrupted data, you can simply take a binary snapshot of the partition being repaired, and attempt the recovery with different settings as many times as you need on this snapshot instead of the actual disk.
SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor by is one of a few data recovery tools that allow recovering a virtual image of a damaged hard drive instead of repairing the hard drive directly. The data recovery tool lets you create a binary image of the damaged hard drive, and works with the binary image instead of the real thing. The binary image is a big file stored on another hard disk, CD, DVD or other media. The technology is similar to making an .iso image of a CD or DVD disc, only SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor extends it to partitions or even entire disks.
The hard drive copy may be virtual, but any data you save from it is for real. SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor can recover your files, documents and other data from the binary image and put it on a healthy media. After that, you can attempt fixing the damaged system structures of the corrupted hard drivewithout taking any risk at all. Any modifications will be performed on the virtual image.
Don't rush the recovery. Don't take the risk of losing or corrupting your data. Create a virtual snapshot of the hard drive being repaired, and work on that snapshot instead of accessing the corrupted hard drive. This procedure keeps your original data safe, and ensures the highest level of safety during the recovery process.
SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor recovers files from damaged and corrupted disks and partitions and fixes damaged hard drives. The disk recovery product supports all 32-bit versions of Windows, and recovers FAT and NTFS formatted hard disks, memory cards, CD and DVD media, and USB flash drives. The evaluation version is available for free at
Repairing a damaged Disk
Why compact discs get damaged. Compact discs are all plastic. Compact discs are even not sensitive to magnetic fields as in case floppy disks, which never used to retain data when even a slight magnetic field is crossed with floppies. Then what is the reason why CDs get corrupted?
CDs work on the principle of reflection of light. CD drives havea built in laser that is used to read data. When laser is focused on to the CD the beam get reflected to a point when there is some data on that are i.e. 0 or 1 the points where light beam lands back is different which symbolizes the bit value.
When something on the CD breaks the path of the laser light, something like dust particle or something else like a FINGER PRINT!!!. Finger prints are nothing but natural oil from skin that sticks to the surface in contact with the skin in a pattern of skin cells. This oil or say fingerprint helps in refraction of light and loss of data to the reading source i.e. laser.
When CDs don't run the reason is because something is interrupting the laser to read the shinny side of the CD. But I have important data what should I do now?
Most of the times it is because of dust or fingerprints, you need to clean the CD.
You can clean your CDs with plain water or a bit soapy water. And it is better to clean the CDs after some time. But this doesn't mean you should start putting your CDs in dishwasher or washing machine every week.
All you need to do is to wipe the shinny side of the CD with a clean moist cloth and try running it again make sure the CD is dry before you run it.
People say about using all different sorts of things to clean CDs like toothpastes, wax polish etc. but I would recommend you to buy some CD cleaning kit. But if you still want to go try, do let me know the results.
And one thing I must add is that DVD work on the same principle and are bit more sensitive to dust and fingerprints. You can also use the above mentioned procedure for DVDs. But you need to be careful with DVDs
Top 10 Things To Remember
Before Installing
Windows 7

Top 10 Things To Remember Before Installing Windows 7
I hope most of the Windows lovers have downloaded the BETA copy of Windows 7 and roaring to install it. Don’t start your install procedure without reading this guide as you may lose many important files and settings.
In this guide I will point out some important things that you need to do and remember before installing Windows 7 on your machine.

1.Check the hardware requirement:This is one of the most important factors that you need to keep in mind before thinking about Windows 7.Though Windows 7 should run fine with the 512 MB RAM system, it’s always better to follow Microsoft recommendations. Below are the Windows 7 requirements:
*A blank DVD
*A PC with a DVD burner
*A test PC for the Windows 7 Beta that meets these minimum hardware recommendations (specific to the Beta and subject to change in the final version of Windows 7). Please do not use a PC you rely on for your work or daily use:
*1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor
*1 GB of system memory
*16 GB of available disk space
*Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (in order to enable Aero theme)
*DVD-R/W Drive
*Internet access (to download the Beta and get updates)
2. Backup Vista: If you are planning to upgrade from Vista SP1(SP1 is must) then it’s a good idea to backup your Vista drive so that you can revert back to Vista easily. I hope most of you know how to do back up task!
3. You need to backup all your profiles and other important files that I have listed below. In case you are planning to wipe out Vista and install Windows 7 then also it’s better to create a backup of all profiles. Below are the important profiles that I backup:

*Outlook pst file
*Windows live writer folder
*Saved games
*Other program profiles that you use.
4.The most important thing for a web addict is browser bookmark folder. Use backup Bookmarks option in your browser to create a bookmark. Download Password Exporter add-on for Firefox to backup all your saved passwords. Also don’t forgot jot down all installed add-ons!
You can even use Mozilla Restorator to backup full Firefox profile.
5. Next obvious task is to backup all the custom settings that you have done to your Vista. Of course, you can back up! Type Windows Easy Transfer in Start Menu search box and hit enter to open. Follow the simple instructions to complete the task.
Windows Easy Transfer helps you move your many files, folders, and program settings from one computer to another—all in one process.
Using Windows Easy Transfer, you can choose to move:
#User accounts
#Internet favorites
#Program settings
7. Move your Download folder from the “C” drive to any other safe location so that you will not lose the downloaded files.
8. Though Microsoft recommends 16GB drive to install Windows 7 I recommend at least 30GB so that you won’t run out of free space in near feature.
9. If you have any files in Desktop just move to safe place since most of us keep important files on Desktop for quick access.
10. Last but least, don’t forget to retrieve Office and other product keys using free programs like Winkey Finder.
How To Speedup Windows XP & Vista Boot
You must read this guide, provided you are a Windows user. Though there are thousands of articles available, what sets this apart from the crowd is this is specially written by tweakwindows!. This guide will show you how to decrease the boot time of Windows to 10seconds. Let’s start with the basics first.Instruction
1.Go to fonts folder. To open fonts folder, just type “fonts” in the Vista Start Menu or in Run dialog box.
2.Delete useless fonts that you won’t use. For those who don’t know, Windows takes enough amount of time to load all fonts during the boot process. Installing more than 100 fonts will significantly reduce your system boot speed.
3.Next major time killers are startup programs.These startup programs not only increases the boot time but also frustrates with pop ups in your system tray. Open “System Configuration” by typing “msconfig”(without quotes) in the Vista Start Menu Search box or in the Run dialog box. Under the “Startup” tab remove the programs which are not necessary at startups(Ex:Pc Suite,Pc Sync,Realtek voice manager).However, I prefer no programs at startup.
4.Next switch to “Boot” tab and select “No GUI boot” and click “Apply” to save the changs. If Windows prompts for restart, select ‘Exit without restart’ option.
5.This tweak is only for Vista with multicore processors (Dual, quad and octa core processors). Under the “Boot” tab of “System Configuration”, open the option named “Advanced options”, check the box named “Number of processors” and select the number of processors you have.Click “Apply”.
6.Navigate to “services” tab, remove unnecessary services (only if you are not using) like Parental Controls, Telephony, Remote registry, Fax, Ready boost to increase the boot speed.Remove unnecessary services only.
7.Download a free utility called “Bootvis” from here(works only for XP). Extract and unzip the file to Desktop and run the Bootvis.Go to Trace > Boottime+driver delays and reboot the system. Wait for a while to get further message and instruction from bootvis to proceed.Worst part is it doesn’t work with Vista.
8.Use the boot defragmentation feature in Winows. To enable go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction In the right side pane, right click on the option “Enable” and select “Modify”. Type in “Y’ to enable boot defrgmentation.
9.Defrag your C drive using Vista’s in-built tool. If you think the Vista’s in-built defragger is slow, you can use the free Defraggler software from here.
10.Fix all your registry errors with a freeware tool called CCleaner. Keeping the registry clean will boost your system performance drametically.
11.If you dual boot, select the default operating system to boot and also, lower the amount of time to wait for you make a selection.
12.If you are not using Floppy drive, disable it in the BIOS. If your BIOS supports Quick Post and Disabling Boot Delay, just enable those features.
13.One more boot time killer is Startup sound. You can disable this as follows:type “mmsys.cpl” in the run dialog box and hit enter. Navigate to “Sounds” tab and disable the option called “Play Windows Startup Sound”(only in Vista). In Xp, use the option named “No Sounds” from the drop down menu in the “Sounds” tab.
14.Never use third-party boot and logon screens as they slow down your boot process significantly.
15. updates your operating systems from Microsoft website.
Make Free Calls From Cellphone To Phone
Safer Way To Recover Damaged Partitions
Repairing damaged partitions on is a risky business. Even if you use the best toolkit and are absolutely sure in what you are doing, you are still risking your files shall something go wrong. Changes m
ade to the damaged partition are irreversible; it is just too easy to overwrite an important system structure that holds vital information about your disk, files and data. Bottom line: it's good to backup before performing data recovery. But is this really the best way to do it?
There is a different approach to do data recovery that is even safer. No need to backup and restore during the recovery. Instead of making a backup copy of corrupted data, you can simply take a binary snapshot of the partition being repaired, and attempt the recovery with different settings as many times as you need on this snapshot instead of the actual disk.
SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor by is one of a few data recovery tools that allow recovering a virtual image of a damaged hard drive instead of repairing the hard drive directly. The data recovery tool lets you create a binary image of the damaged hard drive, and works with the binary image instead of the real thing. The binary image is a big file stored on another hard disk, CD, DVD or other media. The technology is similar to making an .iso image of a CD or DVD disc, only SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor extends it to partitions or even entire disks.
The hard drive copy may be virtual, but any data you save from it is for real. SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor can recover your files, documents and other data from the binary image and put it on a healthy media. After that, you can attempt fixing the damaged system structures of the corrupted hard drivewithout taking any risk at all. Any modifications will be performed on the virtual image.
Don't rush the recovery. Don't take the risk of losing or corrupting your data. Create a virtual snapshot of the hard drive being repaired, and work on that snapshot instead of accessing the corrupted hard drive. This procedure keeps your original data safe, and ensures the highest level of safety during the recovery process.
SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor recovers files from damaged and corrupted disks and partitions and fixes damaged hard drives. The disk recovery product supports all 32-bit versions of Windows, and recovers FAT and NTFS formatted hard disks, memory cards, CD and DVD media, and USB flash drives. The evaluation version is available for free at
Repairing a damaged Disk
Why compact discs get damaged. Compact discs are all plastic. Compact discs are even not sensitive to magnetic fields as in case floppy disks, which never used to retain data when even a slight magnetic field is crossed with floppies. Then what is the reason why CDs get corrupted?
CDs work on the principle of reflection of light. CD drives havea built in laser that is used to read data. When laser is focused on to the CD the beam get reflected to a point when there is some data on that are i.e. 0 or 1 the points where light beam lands back is different which symbolizes the bit value.
When something on the CD breaks the path of the laser light, something like dust particle or something else like a FINGER PRINT!!!. Finger prints are nothing but natural oil from skin that sticks to the surface in contact with the skin in a pattern of skin cells. This oil or say fingerprint helps in refraction of light and loss of data to the reading source i.e. laser.
When CDs don't run the reason is because something is interrupting the laser to read the shinny side of the CD. But I have important data what should I do now?
Most of the times it is because of dust or fingerprints, you need to clean the CD.
You can clean your CDs with plain water or a bit soapy water. And it is better to clean the CDs after some time. But this doesn't mean you should start putting your CDs in dishwasher or washing machine every week.
All you need to do is to wipe the shinny side of the CD with a clean moist cloth and try running it again make sure the CD is dry before you run it.
People say about using all different sorts of things to clean CDs like toothpastes, wax polish etc. but I would recommend you to buy some CD cleaning kit. But if you still want to go try, do let me know the results.
And one thing I must add is that DVD work on the same principle and are bit more sensitive to dust and fingerprints. You can also use the above mentioned procedure for DVDs. But you need to be careful with DVDs
Safer Way To Recover Damaged Partitions

ade to the damaged partition are irreversible; it is just too easy to overwrite an important system structure that holds vital information about your disk, files and data. Bottom line: it's good to backup before performing data recovery. But is this really the best way to do it?
There is a different approach to do data recovery that is even safer. No need to backup and restore during the recovery. Instead of making a backup copy of corrupted data, you can simply take a binary snapshot of the partition being repaired, and attempt the recovery with different settings as many times as you need on this snapshot instead of the actual disk.
SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor by is one of a few data recovery tools that allow recovering a virtual image of a damaged hard drive instead of repairing the hard drive directly. The data recovery tool lets you create a binary image of the damaged hard drive, and works with the binary image instead of the real thing. The binary image is a big file stored on another hard disk, CD, DVD or other media. The technology is similar to making an .iso image of a CD or DVD disc, only SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor extends it to partitions or even entire disks.
The hard drive copy may be virtual, but any data you save from it is for real. SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor can recover your files, documents and other data from the binary image and put it on a healthy media. After that, you can attempt fixing the damaged system structures of the corrupted hard drivewithout taking any risk at all. Any modifications will be performed on the virtual image.
Don't rush the recovery. Don't take the risk of losing or corrupting your data. Create a virtual snapshot of the hard drive being repaired, and work on that snapshot instead of accessing the corrupted hard drive. This procedure keeps your original data safe, and ensures the highest level of safety during the recovery process.
SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor recovers files from damaged and corrupted disks and partitions and fixes damaged hard drives. The disk recovery product supports all 32-bit versions of Windows, and recovers FAT and NTFS formatted hard disks, memory cards, CD and DVD media, and USB flash drives. The evaluation version is available for free at
There is a different approach to do data recovery that is even safer. No need to backup and restore during the recovery. Instead of making a backup copy of corrupted data, you can simply take a binary snapshot of the partition being repaired, and attempt the recovery with different settings as many times as you need on this snapshot instead of the actual disk.
SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor by is one of a few data recovery tools that allow recovering a virtual image of a damaged hard drive instead of repairing the hard drive directly. The data recovery tool lets you create a binary image of the damaged hard drive, and works with the binary image instead of the real thing. The binary image is a big file stored on another hard disk, CD, DVD or other media. The technology is similar to making an .iso image of a CD or DVD disc, only SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor extends it to partitions or even entire disks.
The hard drive copy may be virtual, but any data you save from it is for real. SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor can recover your files, documents and other data from the binary image and put it on a healthy media. After that, you can attempt fixing the damaged system structures of the corrupted hard drivewithout taking any risk at all. Any modifications will be performed on the virtual image.
Don't rush the recovery. Don't take the risk of losing or corrupting your data. Create a virtual snapshot of the hard drive being repaired, and work on that snapshot instead of accessing the corrupted hard drive. This procedure keeps your original data safe, and ensures the highest level of safety during the recovery process.
SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor recovers files from damaged and corrupted disks and partitions and fixes damaged hard drives. The disk recovery product supports all 32-bit versions of Windows, and recovers FAT and NTFS formatted hard disks, memory cards, CD and DVD media, and USB flash drives. The evaluation version is available for free at

CDs work on the principle of reflection of light. CD drives have
When something on the CD breaks the path of the laser light, something like dust particle or something else like a FINGER PRINT!!!. Finger prints are nothing but natural oil from skin that sticks to the surface in contact with the skin in a pattern of skin cells. This oil or say fingerprint helps in refraction of light and loss of data to the reading source i.e. laser.
When CDs don't run the reason is because something is interrupting the laser to read the shinny side of the CD. But I have important data what should I do now?
Most of the times it is because of dust or fingerprints, you need to clean the CD.
You can clean your CDs with plain water or a bit soapy water. And it is better to clean the CDs after some time. But this doesn't mean you should start putting your CDs in dishwasher or washing machine every week.
All you need to do is to wipe the shinny side of the CD with a clean moist cloth and try running it again make sure the CD is dry before you run it.
People say about using all different sorts of things to clean CDs like toothpastes, wax polish etc. but I would recommend you to buy some CD cleaning kit. But if you still want to go try, do let me know the results.
And one thing I must add is that DVD work on the same principle and are bit more sensitive to dust and fingerprints. You can also use the above mentioned procedure for DVDs. But you need to be careful with DVDs
Top 10 Things To Remember
Before Installing
Windows 7

Top 10 Things To Remember Before Installing Windows 7
I hope most of the Windows lovers have downloaded the BETA copy of Windows 7 and roaring to install it. Don’t start your install procedure without reading this guide as you may lose many important files and settings.
In this guide I will point out some important things that you need to do and remember before installing Windows 7 on your machine.

1.Check the hardware requirement:This is one of the most important factors that you need to keep in mind before thinking about Windows 7.Though Windows 7 should run fine with the 512 MB RAM system, it’s always better to follow Microsoft recommendations. Below are the Windows 7 requirements:
*A blank DVD
*A PC with a DVD burner
*A test PC for the Windows 7 Beta that meets these minimum hardware recommendations (specific to the Beta and subject to change in the final version of Windows 7). Please do not use a PC you rely on for your work or daily use:
*1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor
*1 GB of system memory
*16 GB of available disk space
*Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (in order to enable Aero theme)
*DVD-R/W Drive
*Internet access (to download the Beta and get updates)
2. Backup Vista: If you are planning to upgrade from Vista SP1(SP1 is must) then it’s a good idea to backup your Vista drive so that you can revert back to Vista easily. I hope most of you know how to do back up task!
3. You need to backup all your profiles and other important files that I have listed below. In case you are planning to wipe out Vista and install Windows 7 then also it’s better to create a backup of all profiles. Below are the important profiles that I backup:

*Outlook pst file
*Windows live writer folder
*Saved games
*Other program profiles that you use.
4.The most important thing for a web addict is browser bookmark folder. Use backup Bookmarks option in your browser to create a bookmark. Download Password Exporter add-on for Firefox to backup all your saved passwords. Also don’t forgot jot down all installed add-ons!

You can even use Mozilla Restorator to backup full Firefox profile.
5. Next obvious task is to backup all the custom settings that you have done to your Vista. Of course, you can back up! Type Windows Easy Transfer in Start Menu search box and hit enter to open. Follow the simple instructions to complete the task.
5. Next obvious task is to backup all the custom settings that you have done to your Vista. Of course, you can back up! Type Windows Easy Transfer in Start Menu search box and hit enter to open. Follow the simple instructions to complete the task.

Windows Easy Transfer helps you move your many files, folders, and program settings from one computer to another—all in one process.
Using Windows Easy Transfer, you can choose to move:
#User accounts
#Internet favorites
#Program settings
7. Move your Download folder from the “C” drive to any other safe location so that you will not lose the downloaded files.
8. Though Microsoft recommends 16GB drive to install Windows 7 I recommend at least 30GB so that you won’t run out of free space in near feature.
9. If you have any files in Desktop just move to safe place since most of us keep important files on Desktop for quick access.
Using Windows Easy Transfer, you can choose to move:
#User accounts
#Internet favorites
#Program settings
7. Move your Download folder from the “C” drive to any other safe location so that you will not lose the downloaded files.
8. Though Microsoft recommends 16GB drive to install Windows 7 I recommend at least 30GB so that you won’t run out of free space in near feature.
9. If you have any files in Desktop just move to safe place since most of us keep important files on Desktop for quick access.

10. Last but least, don’t forget to retrieve Office and other product keys using free programs like
Winkey Finder.

You must read this guide, provided you are a Windows user. Though there are thousands of articles available, what sets this apart from the crowd is this is specially written by tweakwindows!. This guide will show you how to decrease the boot time of Windows to 10seconds. Let’s start with the basics first.
1.Go to fonts folder. To open fonts folder, just type “fonts” in the Vista Start Menu or in Run dialog box.
2.Delete useless fonts that you won’t use. For those who don’t know, Windows takes enough amount of time to load all fonts during the boot process. Installing more than 100 fonts will significantly reduce your system boot speed.
3.Next major time killers are startup programs.These startup programs not only increases the boot time but also frustrates with pop ups in your system tray. Open “System Configuration” by typing “msconfig”(without quotes) in the Vista Start Menu Search box or in the Run dialog box. Under the “Startup” tab remove the programs which are not necessary at startups(Ex:Pc Suite,Pc Sync,Realtek voice manager).However, I prefer no programs at startup.
4.Next switch to “Boot” tab and select “No GUI boot” and click “Apply” to save the changs. If Windows prompts for restart, select ‘Exit without restart’ option.
5.This tweak is only for Vista with multicore processors (Dual, quad and octa core processors). Under the “Boot” tab of “System Configuration”, open the option named “Advanced options”, check the box named “Number of processors” and select the number of processors you have.Click “Apply”.
6.Navigate to “services” tab, remove unnecessary services (only if you are not using) like Parental Controls, Telephony, Remote registry, Fax, Ready boost to increase the boot speed.Remove unnecessary services only.
7.Download a free utility called “Bootvis” from here(works only for XP). Extract and unzip the file to Desktop and run the Bootvis.Go to Trace > Boottime+driver delays and reboot the system. Wait for a while to get further message and instruction from bootvis to proceed.Worst part is it doesn’t work with Vista.
8.Use the boot defragmentation feature in Winows. To enable go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction In the right side pane, right click on the option “Enable” and select “Modify”. Type in “Y’ to enable boot defrgmentation.
9.Defrag your C drive using Vista’s in-built tool. If you think the Vista’s in-built defragger is slow, you can use the free Defraggler software from here.
10.Fix all your registry errors with a freeware tool called CCleaner. Keeping the registry clean will boost your system performance drametically.
11.If you dual boot, select the default operating system to boot and also, lower the amount of time to wait for you make a selection.
12.If you are not using Floppy drive, disable it in the BIOS. If your BIOS supports Quick Post and Disabling Boot Delay, just enable those features.
13.One more boot time killer is Startup sound. You can disable this as follows:type “mmsys.cpl” in the run dialog box and hit enter. Navigate to “Sounds” tab and disable the option called “Play Windows Startup Sound”(only in Vista). In Xp, use the option named “No Sounds” from the drop down menu in the “Sounds” tab.
14.Never use third-party boot and logon screens as they slow down your boot process significantly.
15. updates your operating systems from Microsoft website.
2.Delete useless fonts that you won’t use. For those who don’t know, Windows takes enough amount of time to load all fonts during the boot process. Installing more than 100 fonts will significantly reduce your system boot speed.
3.Next major time killers are startup programs.These startup programs not only increases the boot time but also frustrates with pop ups in your system tray. Open “System Configuration” by typing “msconfig”(without quotes) in the Vista Start Menu Search box or in the Run dialog box. Under the “Startup” tab remove the programs which are not necessary at startups(Ex:Pc Suite,Pc Sync,Realtek voice manager).However, I prefer no programs at startup.
4.Next switch to “Boot” tab and select “No GUI boot” and click “Apply” to save the changs. If Windows prompts for restart, select ‘Exit without restart’ option.
5.This tweak is only for Vista with multicore processors (Dual, quad and octa core processors). Under the “Boot” tab of “System Configuration”, open the option named “Advanced options”, check the box named “Number of processors” and select the number of processors you have.Click “Apply”.
6.Navigate to “services” tab, remove unnecessary services (only if you are not using) like Parental Controls, Telephony, Remote registry, Fax, Ready boost to increase the boot speed.Remove unnecessary services only.
7.Download a free utility called “Bootvis” from here(works only for XP). Extract and unzip the file to Desktop and run the Bootvis.Go to Trace > Boottime+driver delays and reboot the system. Wait for a while to get further message and instruction from bootvis to proceed.Worst part is it doesn’t work with Vista.
8.Use the boot defragmentation feature in Winows. To enable go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction In the right side pane, right click on the option “Enable” and select “Modify”. Type in “Y’ to enable boot defrgmentation.
9.Defrag your C drive using Vista’s in-built tool. If you think the Vista’s in-built defragger is slow, you can use the free Defraggler software from here.
10.Fix all your registry errors with a freeware tool called CCleaner. Keeping the registry clean will boost your system performance drametically.
11.If you dual boot, select the default operating system to boot and also, lower the amount of time to wait for you make a selection.
12.If you are not using Floppy drive, disable it in the BIOS. If your BIOS supports Quick Post and Disabling Boot Delay, just enable those features.
13.One more boot time killer is Startup sound. You can disable this as follows:type “mmsys.cpl” in the run dialog box and hit enter. Navigate to “Sounds” tab and disable the option called “Play Windows Startup Sound”(only in Vista). In Xp, use the option named “No Sounds” from the drop down menu in the “Sounds” tab.
14.Never use third-party boot and logon screens as they slow down your boot process significantly.
15. updates your operating systems from Microsoft website.
Make Free Calls From Cellphone To Phone
Friends, make free calls from your mobile phone is a phone, you can use as a small application called Fring but useful.
Fring supports almost all types of mobile phones on the market as well as other phones that support Java, and can have an Internet connection in it.
You can use Fring to make video calls, live chat, etc. For this you need a good mobile phone that supports JAD files over 500bytes and can also support Internet connectivity on your phone.
If you want to make free calls to any telephone service providers.all you only need to do is download a small application and install on your phone. The application is called, like Fring, and it is very useful for making free calls between phones.
This application allows you to communicate with friends via the popular networks in the mobile phone and Internet connection can also be connected to Internet services like MSN, Gtalk, Yahoo, Face Book, Twitter, all through a single phone book integrated.
Now comes the installation of the strip .. It is very easy to install and use the application.
Copy only the application of the data phone cable or bluetooth.
Now open the application on your phone and install it.
Finally Run the application and make unlimited calls to any number, but remember that the phone also has other applications when used.
Downlod HERE
Fring supports almost all types of mobile phones on the market as well as other phones that support Java, and can have an Internet connection in it.
You can use Fring to make video calls, live chat, etc. For this you need a good mobile phone that supports JAD files over 500bytes and can also support Internet connectivity on your phone.
If you want to make free calls to any telephone service providers.all you only need to do is download a small application and install on your phone. The application is called, like Fring, and it is very useful for making free calls between phones.
This application allows you to communicate with friends via the popular networks in the mobile phone and Internet connection can also be connected to Internet services like MSN, Gtalk, Yahoo, Face Book, Twitter, all through a single phone book integrated.
Now comes the installation of the strip .. It is very easy to install and use the application.
Copy only the application of the data phone cable or bluetooth.
Now open the application on your phone and install it.
Finally Run the application and make unlimited calls to any number, but remember that the phone also has other applications when used.
Downlod HERE
and dont forget to +1 this site!!!
Open Any website without Any Browser
Guys Now i m sharing a new trick to open the any website without any browser.
Well,first of all make a click on START button.
Now click on search option.
After clicking a new window will appear.
Just go to the ADDRESS bar.
Now fill the address of your desire website or blog.
Last task is-hit the ENTER.
Now your website/blog will open.
That's it.
Well,first of all make a click on START button.
Now click on search option.
After clicking a new window will appear.
Just go to the ADDRESS bar.
Now fill the address of your desire website or blog.
Last task is-hit the ENTER.
Now your website/blog will open.
That's it.
and, don't forget to +1 this site!
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